Recently there has been a boom around the electric vehicle , which is predicting total dominance in the coming years .
Electric bicycles , as easy to guess , is a classic bikes mounted with electric drives , which can have a large enough capacity and allow speeds of up to 50 km / h .
In the market sold a sufficiently large number of electric bikes produced in the US , Europe and , of course , China.

What are the advantages of electric bikes?
- Compactness. Dimensions of electric bikes do not differ from the usual;
- Easy operation and maintenance. Recharging can be done from the home network in the apartment;
- High mobility. even physically untrained people can use Due motor bike on any road gradient;
- Is not required to obtain the rights and registration of the vehicle in the traffic police;
- If the batteries are discharged, you can continue to move in the same way as on a conventional bike.
Do you have electric bikes disadvantages?
- A relatively large weight, which may cause inconvenience when moving bicycle in / out of the apartment and to overcome some obstacles.
- A small battery life and durability. Especially, this is a problem for low-cost models of bicycles, and the cost of batteries for them essentially hits the pocket.

According to their type of electric bikes are divided into:
- Front-wheel drive;
- Rear-wheel drive;
- Four-wheel drive.
Also share the elektrobayka that were made at the factory and have a stylish design and the most hidden in it equipment, such as batteries inside the frame.
Others are made independently in primitive conditions, but, in their characteristics often exceed the production models. not to collect electric bike so difficult, and all the necessary parts can be purchased on the market or in shops.
It became popular folding electric bicycles, which are easy to store, even in small apartments.
The answer to the question as to what distance can be overcome in the electric bike depends on several factors. The most important of these are the road gradient and the type of coating, load, air temperature.
electric bikes cost starts at $ 500 and can go up to several thousand.