There is a misconception that according to our "killed" roads it is not realistic to drive a road bike and it makes no sense that if we get into a pair of holes we are guaranteed to receive an eight on the wheel, and in the worst case, its frame will crack. Indeed, looking at the thin wheels of a sports bike and its weightless carbon frame, you can not help doubting its reliability and the possibility of riding it, somewhere in addition to smooth cycling tracks. However, I can assure you, behind the sophisticated look and seemingly fragile design, lie the complex calculations of engineers, highly technological attachments and modern materials / alloys.
For example, take the highway wheel, it is fixed on one side quite rigidly, but at the same time the material of the spokes and rim allows it to be elastic for irregularities and ruts while maintaining any loads. Of course, there is a weak spot in the wheel - thin tires, jumping at full speed into a pit with sharp edges, or a curb, we are guaranteed to break it. But with due skill, in time you will learn to drive through pits and curbs, throwing before the maneuver the front or rear wheel of the bicycle. It is necessary to monitor the pressure of the wheels of road bicycles, because lowering below 7-8 atmospheres we get not only poor control on uneven roads, but also a higher risk of getting a puncture of the camera. It is recommended, together with a bicycle, to buy a good pump with a manometer and to check the pressure before every pivot.
Especially afraid to take a highwayman people with a weight of more than 100 kg, but I dare to please them - the driver keeps weight and more, checked himself with his 110 kg. Only a few precautions:
No jumping off the curbs, we go off the bike and handles carry
we closely follow when driving for potholes and large pits on the road
always keep always high pressure in the tires
Remember - and the frame, and the bush, and the rim, all will stand your weight, breaking the bike can only aggressive style of riding, and with any weight bicyclist!
However, some will say, and what's the point of riding a road bike on broken roads, because there are mountain hardtails with shock-absorbing forks or even two-podvesvyy. After all, when driving on them, you do not notice the piercings and pits. Yes, this is so, according to the level of comfort, shock bikes win in front of highways with a rigid fork. But it will cost you a ride on the smooth asphalt on a highway bike, feel its frantic rolling, get used to the unusual aerodynamic approach at the beginning, and you will never change this feeling of flight over the road. There is a feeling that you do not twist the pedals, but only twist it, and the speed is already 30 km / h and more.
Perhaps at first, because of a specific landing on the highway, your back will hurt and discomfort will arise, but after a while your muscles will get used to the new pose and you will feel the advantage of easy bicycle acceleration due to the increased aerodynamics and convenience of various grips on the handlebars , on long trips.
For a more comfortable ride, be sure to purchase a bicycle with a carbon fork, or better with a fully carbon frame, verb and steering wheel. Carbon gives an excellent absorption of microvibrations when driving on irregularities. And in no case do not buy a chauffeur with an aluminum fork, he will simply beat off all your hands on the potholes. An excellent carbon road bike can be bought at our bike store.
And to finally dispel your doubts about the strength of road bikes, take a look at this video with the amazing and startling tricks that professionals do on their highways: