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How to choose a bike computer

Nowadays, technical devices have penetrated into all spheres of our life and accompany each almost around the clock.
Bike computers appeared quite a long time, but, to date, it became really affordable and feature-rich gadgets which should be in the arsenal of every cyclist.
Listed below are the main points and aspects that need to pay attention when choosing and buying a bike computer.
First, you must decide on the list of the information that you want to see on the display.
So, for the average amateur is all important three points. This speed of movement, as well as distance and time spent not overcome it.
For those who belong to the advanced, the list expands average speed, but also, its minimum and maximum, a total distance of a few days, drop height and the like pointer.
The most demanding cycling computer are professional athletes, for which all the information is crucial during training.
Bike Computer distinguished by purpose:
- A special gadget designed strictly for bicycles;
- Fitness Monitor, which is a multi-purpose device that enables you to record the basic parameters;
- Mobile devices, mounted with specialized software for cyclists.
Classification by type
  • Magnetic. The easiest variant in which magnet mounted on the needle, and, on the fork, and the sensor thus read speed. Magnetic speedometers are wired or wireless.
  • GPS. Here, the computer, to obtain all the main information using the satellite signal. Such computers are more expensive, but on the other hand, is almost always combined with the navigator, allows you to run and remember routes, which is very convenient.
Extra options
Among additional options we recommend to pay attention to:
- Battery capacity;
- The availability and quality of illumination required at night;
- Integration with your smartphone, computer and other devices.
Do not chase cost and if you are a beginner cyclist, it is possible to manage a smartphone instead of bike computer. But, at the same time, do not forget about a safe anchorage, protection from rain and thieves.


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